Lo anak usia 20tahunan, aktif menggunakan social media dan suka kepo sama status temen-temen lo? Hati-hati, karena bisa aja secara tidak sadar lo hampir terjangkit (atau bahkan sudah terlanjur terkena) wabah Latah Lingkungan.
Latah lingkungan itu definisi gue buat keinginan yang lo pikir muncul dari diri lo sendiri, tapi sebenernya engga. Keinginan itu muncul bisa dari efek lo ngebacain status update Path temen kuliah lo, ngeliatin foto instagram temen SMA lo, atau hasil gosip bareng temen kerja lo. Hampir terjangkit artinya lo udah mulai kepengenan atau bahkan sampe terobsesi. Sudah terjangkit? Artinya lo bahkan sudah mengalami, merasakan, dan menjalaninya sendiri dengan secuil rasa pertanyaan di pojok perasaan: why on earth I am doing this, yang selalu berhasil lo tepis dengan (salah satu caranya mungkin) ngepost postingan serupa temen lo tapi bedanya subjek di foto/post/thread adalah elo.
Dulu, gue pikir gue bukan tipe orang yang gampang latah lingkungan, dalam artian ketika temen-temen gue pada beli lipstick 500ribuan, pake gopro, mulai pada dilamar/melamar/menikah/punya anak, rajin ikut run-run ala ala, dsb dsb....gue ngga latah tuh pengen ikut-ikutan. Ciyus, gue bahkan mendeklarasikan ke diri gue bahwa gue anti latah lingkungan. Tapi ternyata gue salah. Sebuah weekend simpel bikin gue sadar bahwa gue tak ada ubahnya dengan orang-orang kebanyakan yang gue cibir diam-diam sebagai org yang terjangkit wabah latah lingkungan.
Weekend dimulai karena ketidaksengajaan. Rabu kemarin di wisma tempat gue diklat di Cepu ada insiden dikit. Insidennya nanti gue ceritain belakangan. Pokoknya karena insiden itu gue jadi waswas buat tidur di wisma. Soalnya gue sekamar sendirian, cewe sendiri dari total 11 peserta diklat (yang separuhnya adalah seumuran om gue yang tentu saja selalu pulang ke keluarga mereka di Jakarta tiap weekend). Sisa peserta yang lain yang masih lajang berniat main ke Jogja. Karena ga mau ditinggal sendiri, jadilah gue ikut ngabur ke Jogja. Untung ada temen SMA gue yang baik hati yang mau numpangin gue di rumahnya di daerah Godean. Bukannya gue se-pelit itu buat book kamar sendiri di hotel, tapi gue terlalu parno (saat itu) buat tidur sendiri (ya karena insiden itu).
Hari pertama gue dijemput temen SMA gue ini (sebut saja Ayu, bukan nama sebenarnya) di stasiun Tugu. Kami langsung cuss ke rumahnya karena nanggung juga mau makan karena itu sore-sore dan gue lumayan capek karena pagi-siangnya gue ada visit dulu di TBBM Pertamina di Madiun (diklat mengharuskan gue kesana kemari buat belajar, yeah). Setelah tanya kabar sana-sini, gue jadi tau kalo Ayu ternyata baru mulai S2 ambil magister manajemen di sebuah universitas swasta bagus di Bandung. Dia S2 sambil kerja, kelas malem, dan biaya 50% bayar sendiri (sisanya dibayarin perusahaannya). Apakah disitu gue jadi pengen buat S2 setelah denger cerita Ayu? Belum...gue salut banget sama Ayu yang bela-belain keluar duit sendiri dan ngabisin tiap malem senin-jumat buat belajar. Gue belum sampe tahap pengen, baru sampe tahap mempertanyakan kok gue ga pernah punya niat dan nyali segede dia ya,,,,
sampe tahap ini gue (masih) sok mengatakan bahwa gue anti latah
Besoknya gue janjian sama adeknya pacar gue (sebut saja Jati, bukan nama sebenarnya juga). Si Jati ini anak semester 3 jurusan FK di kampus kebanggan Jogja. Selama 5 tahun gue pacaran sama abangnya, sebenernya ga pernah gue berinteraksi langsung sama dia. Cuma, entah kenapa gue rasa sebagai pacar yang baik (ceilah) dan karena lagi senggang juga, ya gue ajak ketemu aja. Singkat cerita gue ketemu dia, makan dan ngobrol. Dari situ gue tau dia ngambil aktivitas ini itu dan jadi panitia ospek di jurusannya. Sekilas gue merasa flashback ke kehidupan gue di awal kuliah yang haus ambil bagian disana-sini, sibuk kanan kiri tapi tetap happy. Sepanjang dia cerita kehidupannya, gue makin wondering ke diri sendiri, terkubur dimanakah semangat gue yang dulu waktu awal kuliah berkobar-kobar. Gue terus mendengarkan omongannya sambil melamun sampai dia bertanya,
"Kalo Kak Santi, mimpinya apa?"
"Hah? Gue? Hmm....jadi ibu rumah tangga yang baik, punya anak sehat dan pinter, hidup tenang dan bahagia." jawab gue semi reflek dan kaget sama jawaban gue sendiri. Why on earth I can speak like that!
Mukanya tampak ngga puas dan mengernyit seakan ngga percaya itu mimpi gue. Sumpah, kalo ada cermin, mungkin gue bisa melihat muka gue menunjukkan reaksi yang serupa.
"ngga deng, ada aja. ngga gue banget itu mah hahaha", tutup gue sambil berusaha menyembunyikan kekagetan diri sendiri.
dia ngga nanya lebih lanjut. tapi mukanya ngga berubah, masih seolah nanya: masa sih? gue ga percaya. itu kayanya ga lo banget deh
....dan di detik itu gue memang menyadari bahwa apa yang barusan gue ucapkan jelas bukan mimpi gue. Itu mimpi orang-orang di sekitar gue yang secara langsung ataupun tidak sudah membuat gue, yang tadi awalnya bilang anti latah, menjadi latah dan mengcopas mimpi mereka sebagai mimpi gue, hanya agar gue dipandang normal sama khalayak di lingkungan sekitar gue beraktivitas sekarang (Tolong ini jangan disalah-artikan bahwa gue memandang keinginan seorang wanita untuk jadi ibu rumah tangga, punya anak sehat dan pintar bukanlah mimpi yang keren. Big No. Gue menghargai mimpi kalian semuaaa).
Si Jati ini udah kenalan sama gue dari 5 tahun yang lalu, mungkin sedikit banyak dia tau tentang gue dari abangnya, mungkin....jadi mungkin pemahaman dia tentang gue dari abangnya-lah yang melatarbelakangi kernyitan dia yang begitu jujur dan tanpa beban, yang akhirnya menohok gue sampe membuat gue terbangun dan malu sama ucapan gue sendiri. Di beberapa saat perenungan setelah pertemuan sama Jati, gue jadi inget pacar gue pernah beberapa kali komentar saat kami lagi diskusi soal mimpi dan ambisi masa depan.
"Kamu kok ngga kaya Santi yang dulu aku kenal sih."
"Mungkin aku hanya lebih realistis sekarang, Bang"
"Kenapa? Kamu ngga suka aku yang sekarang?"
"Ngga kok gapapa...."
mungkin...mungkin dia ngga enakan mau ngomentarin langsung betapa gue ngga menjalani hidup gue sendiri dan menghidupi mimpi gue sendiri. Mungkin dia mau jaga perasaan gue dan hubungan kami. Tapi puji Tuhan, ada hikmahnya gue ketemu adiknya di Jogja kemarin. Respon jujurnya mengingatkan gue kembali sama komentar-komentar tersirat pacar gue dulu.
Besoknya pas pulang gereja, Jati ngasih gue semacam gantungan kayu yang ada tulisan kanji jepang yang bertuliskan 'yume' yang artinya 'mimpi'. Ini adik sama abang gue yakin saudara kandung nih, sama-sama suka ngomong tersirat. Mungkin semacam buat menyemangati gue dan respon lanjutannya atas keheranan dia akan mimpi gue yang kayanya ngga gue banget. Mungkin juga karena sempatnya beli gantungan itu doang ya hahaha. Anyway, gantungan itu gue jadiin monumen atas kesadaran gue bahwa gue sudah hampir terjangkit latah lingkungan dan mulai sekarang akan start clean dan fokus merancang mimpi yang memang gue inginkan.
Nah, kalo lo gimana? Kira-kira udah mulai terjangkit belum?
This blog contains all my thoughts about everything. Love, friendship, family, politics, economy, environment, colleges, diplomacy, gossip n entertainment, country n stuff, or maybe just a crazy idea which is unspoken in my real life. This is my think tank. No matter people see me as an outspoken, I just want to bring out whats on my mind here. Why? because this is the time that your voice, your thoughts, and your feelings to be heard by anyone by using any sort of media.
Showing posts with label Renungan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renungan. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
My Top 10 2014 resolutions
Honestly in early 2014, I didn't make my list of resolutions, which I used to make every year. My mind was too busy to think about resolutions while my sickness still haunted me and my job (ex-job actually) grabbed almost all my concentration.
Well, I hope today is not too late to make 2014 resolutions.
So, my top 10 resolutions are:
1.Be healthier
I really mean it. I want to emphasize the use of comparative verb in my wordings because I want to compare my physical condition in end of 2014 with my medical record in 2013.
2. Perform well at work
It means I want to do all responsibilities given well, and it is included with growing my enthusiast to learn as many as possible things those related (or will support) my job.
3. Be happy
happiness comes from inside. i am the one to choose whether I want to be happy or not.
This resolution includes: travelling at least once :)
4. Closer to God
people may leave me, but He will not.
5. start money-saving
I hope in 2015 I can start invest my money as a preparation for my master's fund. So let's keep the coins in!
6. respect time: be on time & obey my own-arranged schedule
2013 was a mess. lot's of time became wasted because I cannot control my activities -_-.
7. Neat and Tidy
it doesn't mean that I want my room becomes precisely like the photo (even I secretly wish, too). I just want to make all my surroundings, such as my spacework, my bedroom, my notebook, and other things are in neat condition. It is proven that messy bedroom could only make me more stressful.
8. Less emotional
no more useless crying or empty anger!
9. Read more books
I just wanna re-grow my bookworm DNA. This world is too small if I don't read books.
10. Learn new language(s)
Many people said that the ability to master foreign language(s) is a huge benefit to foster career. So, Deutsche and Japanese, why not?!
Those are my top 10 2014 resolutions. What's yours?
Well, I hope today is not too late to make 2014 resolutions.
So, my top 10 resolutions are:
1.Be healthier
I really mean it. I want to emphasize the use of comparative verb in my wordings because I want to compare my physical condition in end of 2014 with my medical record in 2013.
2. Perform well at work
It means I want to do all responsibilities given well, and it is included with growing my enthusiast to learn as many as possible things those related (or will support) my job.
3. Be happy
happiness comes from inside. i am the one to choose whether I want to be happy or not.
This resolution includes: travelling at least once :)
4. Closer to God
people may leave me, but He will not.
5. start money-saving
I hope in 2015 I can start invest my money as a preparation for my master's fund. So let's keep the coins in!
6. respect time: be on time & obey my own-arranged schedule
2013 was a mess. lot's of time became wasted because I cannot control my activities -_-.
7. Neat and Tidy
it doesn't mean that I want my room becomes precisely like the photo (even I secretly wish, too). I just want to make all my surroundings, such as my spacework, my bedroom, my notebook, and other things are in neat condition. It is proven that messy bedroom could only make me more stressful.
8. Less emotional
no more useless crying or empty anger!
9. Read more books
I just wanna re-grow my bookworm DNA. This world is too small if I don't read books.
10. Learn new language(s)
Many people said that the ability to master foreign language(s) is a huge benefit to foster career. So, Deutsche and Japanese, why not?!
Those are my top 10 2014 resolutions. What's yours?
Thursday, February 07, 2013
How to know that she's the one
by Michael Lawrence
"How do I know if she's the one?"
I can't think of a question I encounter more often among single Christian men. The point of the question is clear enough. But a rich irony dwells beneath the question. In a culture that allows us to choose the person we're going to marry, no one wants to make the wrong choice. Especially if, as Christians, we understand that the choice we make is a choice for life.
The question is not merely ironic. If what you're after is a marriage that will glorify God and produce real joy for you and your bride, it's also the wrongquestion. That's because the unstated goal of the question is "How do I know if she's the one ... for me."
The question frames the entire decision-making process in fundamentally self-oriented — if not downright selfish — terms. And it puts the woman on an extended trial to determine whether or not she meets your needs, fits withyour personality and satisfies your desires. It places you at the center of the process, in the role of a window-shopper or consumer at a buffet. In this scenario you remain unexamined, unquestioned and unassailable — sovereign in your tastes and preferences and judgments.
The problem of course is that as a single Christian man, not only are you going to marry a sinner, but you are a sinner as well.
From a consumeristic perspective, no woman on this planet is ever going to perfectly meet your specifications. What's more, your unexamined requirements for a spouse are inevitably twisted by your own sinful nature. The Bible reminds us that though our marriages are to be pictures of the Gospel relationship between Christ and the church, none of us get to marry Jesus. Instead, like Hosea, we all marry Gomer; that is to say, we all marry another sinner, whom God intends to use to refine and grow our faith in Jesus.
So what's a guy to do?
Ask the Right Questions
To begin with, start with a different question. Instead of asking if she's the one, you should ask yourself, "Am I the sort of man a godly woman would want to marry?" If you're not, then you'd be better off spending less time evaluating the women around you, and more time developing the character of a disciple. Start by considering the characteristics of an elder that Paul lays out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, and work toward those.
Then you should ask another question: "What sort of qualities should I be looking for in a wife so that my marriage will be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church?" If you're not sure what those characteristics are, then spend some time reading Proverbs 31, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Peter 3:1-7and Ephesians 5:22-33.
Once you've asked the right questions, and once you've found someone you suspect fits the biblical description of a godly wife, you now need to decide whether to get married. And men, though this is a big decision, it's not a decision that should take too long. How long is too long for a dating relationship? The Bible doesn't provide a timetable (after all, most marriages were arranged during biblical times). But it does provide principles that point us in the direction of making a decision to marry or break up in the shortest appropriate time.
Think Like a Servant, not a Consumer
In 1 Thessalonians 4:6, Paul warns the Thessalonian Christians against "taking advantage" of their brothers or sisters. The larger context in the first eight verses makes clear that what Paul primarily has in view is sexual immorality, in which you take from one another a physical intimacy not rightfully yours.
But the text also suggests that there are other ways you can take advantage of one another in a dating relationship. And one of the primary ways men do this is to elicit and enjoy all the benefits of unending companionship and emotional intimacy with their girlfriends without ever committing to the covenant relationship of marriage.
Too often in dating relationships we think and act like consumers rather than servants. And not very good consumers at that. After all, no one would ever go down to his local car dealership, take a car out for an extended test drive, park it in his garage, drive it back and forth to work for several weeks, maybe take it on vacation, having put lots of miles on it, and then take it back to the dealer and say, "I'm just not ready to buy a new car."
But so often, that's exactly the way men treat the women they're dating. Endlessly "test driving" the relationship, without any real regard for the spiritual and emotional wear and tear they're putting her through, all the while keeping their eyes out for a better model.
The Scriptures are clear. We are not to take advantage of one another in this way. Instead, as Paul says in Romans 13:10, "Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
Remember That Love is Never Easy
One of the myths out there is that if you just spend enough time searching, if you can just gather enough information, you'll find a woman with whom marriage will be "easy." The fact is, such a woman doesn't exist, and if she did, she likely wouldn't marry you. And that means that you don't need as much information as you think you do.
No matter how long you've dated, everyone marries a stranger. That's because fundamentally dating is an artificial arrangement in which you're trying to be on your best behavior. Marriage on the other hand is real life. And it's only in the context of day-in, day-out reality, with the vulnerability and permanence that marriage provides, that we learn what another person is really like. Some of the things we learn about each other aren't easy. But who ever said that love and marriage were supposed to be easy?
Men, the point of marriage is that we learn to love our wives as Christ loved the church. Yes, as Revelation 21 and Ephesians 5 tell us, one day, Christ's bride will be perfectly beautiful, without spot or blemish, altogether lovely and loveable.
But the church is not there yet. First, Christ had to commit himself to us, even to death on a cross. This is the model we're called to follow. It's not an easy model, but it's worth it.
So your goal should not be to date her long enough until you're confident marriage won't be hard, but to date her just long enough to discern if you're willing to love her sacrificially and if she's willing to respond to that kind of love.
Remember That to Commit Does not Mean to Settle
Does this mean you should just "settle" for the first Christian woman who comes along? No, not at all. You should be making this decision in light of the qualities held out in Scripture for a godly wife, and you should marry the godliest, most fruitful, most spiritually beautiful woman you can convince to have you.
But you also need to be aware that you live in a culture that says the ultimate good in life is to always keep your options open and that any commitment is inevitably "settling" for less than you could have tomorrow. You must reject that kind of thinking for the worldly garbage that it is. Did Jesus Christ settle for the church? No, He loved the church and gave His life as a ransom for her (Mark 10:45).
Marriage is fundamentally a means to glorify and serve God, not by finding someone who will meet our needs and desires, but by giving ourselves to another for their good. So if you find yourself hesitating about committing to a godly, biblically qualified woman, then ask yourself, "Are my reasons biblical, or am I just afraid that if I commit, someone better will walk around the corner after it's too late?" Consumers are always on the lookout for something better. Christ calls us to trust Him that in finding a wife, we have found "what is good and receive favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22).
Marry True Beauty When You Find It
Finally, the Scriptures call us to develop an attraction to true beauty. First Peter 3:3-6 describes the beautiful wife as a woman who has a gentle and quiet spirit, born out of her faith and hope in God, and displayed in her trusting submission to her husband. Men, is the presence of this kind of beauty the driving force for your sense of attraction to your girlfriend? Or have you made romantic attraction and "chemistry" the deciding issue?
Now don't get me wrong. You should be physically attracted to the woman you marry. This is one of the ways marriage serves as a protection against sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). But we get in trouble, both in dating and in marriage, when we make physical beauty and "chemistry" the threshold issue in the decision to commit (or remain committed) to marriage.
Physical beauty in a fallen world is fading and transient. What's more, the world narrowly defines beauty as the body of a teenager, and scorns the beauty of motherhood and maturity. But in which "body" is your wife going to spend most of her years with you? Personalities also change and mature, and what seems like "chemistry" when you're 22 might feel like superficial immaturity 10 years later. Even over the course of a long courtship and engagement in the prime of your youth, physical attraction and chemistry are sure to go through ups and downs. We must resist the temptation to value the wrong kind of beauty.
No one lives in a perpetual state of "being in love." But in marriage, our love is called to "always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere" (1 Corinthians 13:7). If mere worldly, physical beauty is the main thing attracting our love, then our love will prove as ephemeral as that beauty. But if we have developed an attraction to true beauty, then we have nothing to fear. Marry a vibrant growing Christian woman, and you have Christ's promise that He is committed to making her more and more beautiful, spiritually beautiful, with every passing day (Romans 8:28; Philippians 1:6).
More Questions to Ask
How then do you decide, in a reasonable amount of time, whether or not to marry the woman you're dating? Let me conclude with some more questions you should be asking.
If you can't answer the questions at all, then you may need to spend some more time getting to know each other. But if you can answer them (and others like them) either positively or negatively, then it's time to stop test-driving the relationship and either commit to marriage or let someone else have the opportunity.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
manusia meninggal, meninggalkan kenangan
menang kalah itu biasa. ga mungkin ada pemenang kalo yang kalah ga ada. Meskipun begitu, dalam pertandingan, jangan mau dikalahkan dengan mudah. kalopun kamu kalah, biarlah si pemenang mengingat betapa sulitnya mengalahkan kamu saat ia memperoleh kemenangannya.
Karena apa? Karena manusia meninggal ga akan meninggalkan apapun, kecuali kenangan, dan kenangan dibentuk dari proses kehidupan bertahun2. Jadi ciptakan kenangan yang kuat dalam setiap interaksi dengan semua orang, karena siapa tahu, itulah last minute kita untuk menciptakan kenangan .
Karena apa? Karena manusia meninggal ga akan meninggalkan apapun, kecuali kenangan, dan kenangan dibentuk dari proses kehidupan bertahun2. Jadi ciptakan kenangan yang kuat dalam setiap interaksi dengan semua orang, karena siapa tahu, itulah last minute kita untuk menciptakan kenangan .
A notes from a very kindheart sister
Courtesy of Icha Kristy Marbun, S.T, M.T.
Hai 26! di tanggal 26 ini aku ingin berbagi sesuatu, kenapa di tanggal ini..? karena dimulai dari tanggal ini 4 tahun yang lalu banyak hal yang aku dapatkan dan aku pelajari sehingga aku bisa menjadi icha yang sekarang :)
Beberapa hal yang aku dapatkan dan pelajari :
Berani mengambil keputusan, dengan pertimbangan yang benar dan keyakinan bahwa dirimu bisa bahagia. Walaupun apa yang kamu pernah alami dan sekarang kamu rasakan hanya kamu yang tau, tetap terima pendapat orang lain dan pertimbangkan baik", berdoa dan pada akhirnya ambil keputusan dengan menggunakan pikiran dan perasan, bukan hanya dengan salah satu perasaan saja atau pikiran saja.
2. Saat kamu memiliki hubungan spesial dengan seorang pria/wanita, ingat bahwa selagi masih dalam status pacar berarti masih dalam tahap mengenal satu sama lain dan belum tentu berakhir dengan sebuah pernikahan. Oleh karena itu, sebagai seorang wanita dan pria harus tau batasan" dalam berpacaran, hal apa yang boleh dilakukan dan tidak selama masih pacaran. dan pergunakanlah waktu yang ada untuk saling mengenal satu sama lain semaksimal mungkin.
3. Pada saat berpacaran walaupun memang itu merupakan tahap mengenal satu sama lain, bukan berarti bisa dimulai dan diakhiri dengan seenaknya.
- Jangan memulai apa yang seharusnya tidak dimulai, pertimbangkan banyak hal lebih dahulu, seandainya memang sudah pasti tidak dapat berakhir ke sebuah pernikahan atau akan mengorbankan banyak hal untuk sampai ke tahap tersebut (mis: keluarga), untuk apa menghabiskan waktu pacaran?
- Saat dirimu memutuskan untuk pacaran hanya untuk main-main atau memuaskan ego dan hal yang ga penting lainnya pls jangan lakukan itu. Hidup ini akan sangat tidak berguna kalau waktu dalam hidupmu kamu pakai untuk membuat sakit hati orang lain. Playing with hearts can get somebody killed. Be smart!
- Mulai dan jalani masa pacaran dengan pandangan dia yang akan menjadi teman hidupmu. Jadi lakukan perencanaan, bicarakan banyak hal yang berguna mencapai tujuan akhir dari tahap pacaran itu sendiri. Hal ini sepertinya akan dapat membantu dalam bertindak dan bersikap, dua-duanya akan lebih bisa dewasa karena tau tujuan akhirnya apa dan tau kalau hal tersebut patut untuk diperjuangkan.
4. Pacaran melibatkan 2 orang, tapi tidak dengan suami/istri yang nantinya kamu punya. Saat kamu memiliki suami/istri itu sudah melibatkan keluarga besar kedua pihak. Bahagia ga sih kalau seandainya suami/istri kamu sayang ke orangtuamu dan keluarga besarmu dan sebaliknya, dan begitu juga keluarga besar saling menghargai dan mengasihi satu sama lain. Wow, kalau menurut aku sendiri ga akan ada yang lebih berharga dari hal itu :) nah kalau ini bagaimna cara mendapatkannya, tergantung masing-masing pasangan mungkin ya ada yang dari awal sudah begitu, ada yang dengan melalui proses panjang baru bisa mencapai hal tersebut, atau ada juga yang mungkin tidak bisa begitu, pada akhirnya masing-masing kita menentukan mau menerima keadaan seperti pilihan tersebut atau tidak.
5. Tidak mungkin kita tidak akan menghadapi masalah atau perselisihan selama hidup ini, jadi saat pacaran dan ada masalah selesaikan as soon as possible. Segala tindakan pembicaraan harus berujung pada solusi dan jangan hanya menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk saling menyakiti satu sama lain atau berakhir tanpa ada penyelesaian.
"Use word of kindness, filled with love, that heal and nourish life instead of hurling angry words that wound and stir up strife"
6. Percaya ke pasanganmu, setia, jujur, dan punya komunikasi yang baik bagaimanapun itu caranya, luangkan waktu tertentu untuk berdua, walaupun hanya sebentar. Minimalkan ego masing", boleh mau dimengerti tapi tidak setiap saat orang bisa menebak isi hatimu, sampaikan apa yang kamu rasakan dengan cara yang benar dan pada waktu dan tempat yang tepat.
7. Setiap orang ingin bahagia, ingin diperhatikan, ingin disayang. Semua ingin hal yang sama kog, pada dasarnya setiap orang pasti ingin berbuat baik dan diperlakukan begitu juga oleh pasangannya. hanyaa.. setiap orang punya cara dan pemikiran yang berbeda dalam mengungkapkan keinginan, menunjukkan rasa sayangnya.., banyak hal yang dapat membentuk setiap orang, begitu juga pasanganmu hingga dia bisa jadi sebagaimana adanya dia saat kamu kenal, belajar mengerti pasanganmu. Keep studying her/him.
"When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her, he learns her likes, dislikes, habits and hobbies but after he wins her heart and marries her he often stops learning about her. If the amount he studied her before marriage was equal to a high school degree, he should continue to learn about her until he gains a college degree, a master's degree and Ultimately, a doctoral degree. It is a life long journey that draws his heart ever closer to hers" - Fireproof the movie
8. Setiap wanita itu perlu memperhatikan penampilan, lemah lembut, belajar mengucapkan kata-kata yang membangun, tidak kasar dan banyak hal baik lainnya yang perlu kita biasakan untuk menjadi wanita yang lebih baik. Tapii satu hal terkait penampilan.. hei para pria ingat jugalah bahwa kami ini bisa tua juga nantinya. Jadi dari sekarang belajar mengendalikan diri dan mencukupkan diri dengan penampilan pasanganmu #loh hehe.. maksudnya dari pihak wanita memperhatikan penampilan dan dari pihak pria perlu mengendalikan apa yang sudah seharusnya dikendalikan, harus tau dan tidak melanggar batas-batas normal yang ada :)
"Beauty can be destroyed, but not love"
9. Berikut ini merupakan beberapa quote dan kutipan tweet yang mungkin terdengar wow, namun dalam prakteknya akan sulit dilakukan dan butuh komitmen, rasa sayang yang dijaga bersama tiap-tiap hari untuk bisa terpenuhi. tapi tetap ingat bahwa semuanya itu layak dan bernilai untuk diperjuangkan :)
Tahapan hub cinta ada 2. Tahap 1 obsessivelove : Pada tahap ini ilusi yang kita miliki adalah pacar kita sempurna tanpa cacat. Pada tahap obsessive love semua indah, ingin selalu bersama dan cinta meletup2 semriwing bila tak jumpa, tidak perlu banyak usaha yang perlu dilakukan pada tahap ini. One doesn't work to fall in love. It just happens. dan kebanyakan orang memutuskan untuk menikah ketika berada di tahap obsessivelove ini.Lalu masuk ke tahap 2 covenantlove : Pada tahap ini kita sudah tidak dibutakan oleh asmara dan mulai menyadari ada hal lain dlm hidup yg ingin diraih! Sebelumnya fokus kita adalah pacar dan kebersamaan, kini mulai fokus pada diri sendiri, apa yang saya butuhkan dan jadi masalah bila pacar tak memenuhi. covenantlove is conscious love. Its intentional love. Its a commitment to love no matter what! We love each other. Our love will endure because we choose to nurture love by learning how to express love.- @davehendrik
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
" Real men/women stay faithful. They don't have time to look for other girls/boys, they are too busy finding new ways to love their own" -
"Don't make promises you can't keep"-
"Become the right person and walk in love"-
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” ― John Wesley
" Tuhan menciptakan kita di dunia untuk berpasang-pasangan, maka jagalah pasanganmu, berikanlah kasih sayang yang terbaik" - Habibie&Ainun
Beberapa hal diatas merupakan 9 diantara banyak hal yang aku bisa pelajari selama 4 tahun ke belakang ini. Menuliskan ini bukan berarti aku orang yang sempurna, berasa tau banyak atau sukses melakukan semua hal diatas. aku juga punya kekurangan dan tidak luput dari kesalahan, tapi melalui note ini semoga setiap yang membaca boleh mendapatkan sesuatu, semoga kita bisa sama-sama belajar dan berubah untuk jadi lebih baik ke depannya, terutama dalam menjalin hubungan spesial dengan lawan jenis :)
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